About Home Depot
Pre-Interview Screening Tests
Skills and Experience
Personality Test
Basic Math Concepts

Situational Judgement Tests

Personality Assessment Tests
The essence of these tests is that they supply the respondent with direct questions for which the respondent must provide an answer.
Personality tests use the ability possessed by all human beings to offer information about their life events and experiences as well as their otherwise unobserved thoughts and feelings.
Math Problems
In each question, you will be presented with three different computational problems. You will first need to solve each of these problems, and will then be asked to either find the sum of these solutions, their average, or a certain percentage of their sum. The answer must then be rounded to the nearest whole number.
It is important to practice with the same calculator which you will use on the actual test. For this reason, make sure to first find out which calculators are permitted on the test you will be taking, and start practicing with the one you feel most comfortable with.
What do you get as part of the course?
- Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) Preparation
- How to ace your SJT?
- Five Situational Judgment Test (SJT) practice units that will help you learn the decision making skills you need.
- Each test contains 10 questions.
- Answers with detailed explanations.
- Personality Test Preparation - teaching you how to successfully pass your personality assessment.
- How to ace Personality Tests?
- 2 Practice Tests
- Test 1 - 233 Questions
- Test 2 – 219 Questions
- Suggested Answers
- Basic Math Preparation
- Video Course on How to Ace your Math Concepts Test
- Five Basic Math Concept Tests
- Five Math Word Problem Tests
- Each test contains 15 – 23 questions
- Answers with detailed explanations.