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- 230+ pages book.
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- Tons of Frameworks and over 100 Questions and Answers for Practice
Sample Questions
- How would you price the Kindle Fire HD?
- Amazon launched Display Advertisements on its web page, and it was a highly controversial decision within Amazon. Pick either the pro or con side of the argument. Explain your position of including ads on the site.
- Assume that you are the new Product Manager in our Amazon Prime business and are in charge of new Feature Development. What data would you look at to develop new features? What new features would they be?
- Assume you are the new Product Manager in our Amazon Prime business and are in charge of Pricing. The VP would like to lower the price from $79.99 per year to $69.99 per year. Making your own assumptions, develop the financial projections of this decision.
- Start a new category, division, or international market for Amazon. Which one do you choose and why?
- Choose a company that you believe provides a world-class customer experience. What do they do well? Choose a company you believe provides a poor customer experience. What do they do poorly? How would you improve it?
- Give me an example of a situation where you had to overcome major obstacles to achieve your objectives.
- Tell me about the last time you had an idea to improve the way things work. Was this idea implemented? Why or why not?
- Explain to me a time where you disagreed with the decision of a manager or higher ranked individual, how did this play out, what was the end decision?
- Describe a situation in which you communicated a very complicated situation to a group of people that were completely unfamiliar with the topic. What approach did you take?
- How many iPhones are sold in the US each year?