Personality Assessment Tests
The essence of these tests is that they supply the respondent with direct questions for which the respondent must provide an answer.
Personality tests use the ability possessed by all human beings to offer information about their life events and experiences as well as their otherwise unobserved thoughts and feelings.
Situational Judgement Tests
Situational Judgement Tests have gained increasing popularity in the past years. They measure an individual’s ability to decide on effective ways of handling real life situations, allowing employers to evaluate job candidates' behavioral skills. The tests in this category are tailored for customer service, sales and call center representatives positions.
Situational judgment tests vary greatly in their structure and format. The test can be formulated as a written text or as a simulation that includes images, sounds or video segments.
However, the basic structure is always a scenario that presents a conflict, followed by response options to the situation.

has done the work for you
We’ve created a comprehensive course to ensure you ace your upcoming McDonald’s Assessment Test.
What do you get as part of the course?
- Personality Test Preparation Course - teaching you how to successfully pass your personality assessment.
- How to ace Personality Tests?
- 233 Questions across 4 sections
- Suggested Answers
- Situational Judgement Tests (SJT) Preparation Course - teaching you to successfully pass your SJT.
- How to ace your SJT?
- Five Situational Judgment Test (SJT) practice units that will help you learn the decision making skills you need.
- Each test contains 10 questions.
- Answers with detailed explanations.